# | Result Code | Fixit! | Error Message |
-147 | regionTooBigError | N/A | Region too big or complex |
-148 | pixMapTooBigErr | N/A | Pixel map record is deeper than 1 bit per pixel [passed pixelmap is too large] |
-149 | notEnoughStack | N/A | Not enough stack space for the necessary buffers "OR" |
-149 | mfStackErr | N/A | Insufficient stack |
-150 | cMatchErr | N/A | Color2Index failed to find an index |
-151 | cTempMemErr | N/A | Failed to allocate memory for temporary structures |
-152 | cNoMemErr | N/A | Failed to allocate memory for structure |
-153 | cRangeErr | N/A | Range error on colorTable request |
-154 | cProtectErr | N/A | ColorTable entry protection violation |
-155 | cDevErr | N/A | Invalid type of graphics device |
-156 | cResErr | N/A | Invalid resolution for MakeITable |
-157 | cDepthErr | N/A | Invalid pixel depth |
-158 | cParmErr | N/A | Invalid parameter |