# | Result Code | Fixit! | Error Message |
-800 | rcDBNull | N/A | The data item was NULL |
-801 | rcDBValue | N/A | Data available or successfully retrieved |
-802 | rcDBError | N/A | Error executing function |
-803 | rcDBBadType | N/A | Next data item not of requested data type |
-804 | rcDBBreak | N/A | Function timed out |
-805 | rcDBExec | N/A | Query currently executing |
-806 | reDBBadSessID | N/A | Session ID is invalid |
-807 | rcDBBadSessNum | N/A | Invalid session number |
-808 | rcDBBadDDEV | N/A | Couldn't find the specified database extension,or error occurred in opening database extension |
-809 | rcDBAsyncNotSupp | N/A | The database extension does not support asynchronous calls |
-810 | rcDBBadAsyncPB | N/A | Invalid parameter block specified |
-811 | rcDBNoHandler | N/A | There is no handler for this data type installed for the current application |
-812 | rcDBWrongVersion | N/A | Wrong version number |
-813 | rcDBPackNotInited | N/A | The InitDBPack function has not yet been called |